Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Bill Gore Framed Chase Merritt

  Billl Gore Framed Chase
First, the conspiracy against Chase Merritt  is Complex, and too hard to follow unless you have at least an IQ of 112, political knowledge and are NOT naive to corruption.

The average IQ in America is around 90, and most suffer normal biasy due to being naive and unable to emotionally handle the truth.

YOU CAN NOT cover the Merritt case  with out covering the conspiracy behind the conspiracy.
Nothing in the Mcstay case makes since unless you know about the conspiracy.
Second, Conspiracies are real. I know many American believe the bullshit that conspiracy are only for "nuts"  but only the Ignorant think conspiracies are not real.
Educated, intelligent people know that they are Federal and state Judicial system that prosecute  and sentence criminals for conspiracies 5 days a week every week excluding holidays all across the United States in ALL 50 states.
So conspiracies ARE REAL and happen all the time.

I do not know Meritt nor have I talked to him directly( I have talk to "cowboy" the attorney assisting him in pro se) BUT neither  Did the killers know Chase or the Mcstay family. In fact the kills had never meet the Mcstays, they just tracked them down and killed them to prevent the possibility of being found in Mexico by the News.  

So rather I know or ever meet Meritt has no baring on knowing he is innocent just like the fact the killers had never meet the Mcstays (untill the day they killed them in April 2013) had any barring the killings them.  Knowing the killer or Not the Mcstays are dead just like rather we ever meet Chase or Not he is innocent.  

A person who like belittle and attack others verbally and emtionally may jumb out with You do not even know Chase how do you kno rather his is capable of killing hem are not......."  I never claim to know was he capable but when did we start arresting people because they were capable.  I know Chase did not kill the Mcstays because Bill Gore and his ex San Diego FBI employees killed the Mcstays, 3 years after they ran from the "monster" they ran from. The "monster" is CPS which is almost as bad as beast, many believe the "monster" is worst than the 'beast' 

If you want to know the "scoop" or  what the "surprise" is, in the Merritt case then first you will have to learn about the "secrete". This "secret" that I am about to tell you has gotten many killed, many committed and many black mailed.     

Chase's defense is he was "framed" I know that because well I KNOW HE WS FRAMED  Chase WILL simple try to tell the truth BUT I will prove it.

I will start with basic common since:
If a conspiracy to frame Chase were real(which I know is) who would be able to pull it off.
WELL...The only ones who could track them down, kill them in Mexico, bring their dead bodies back across the border  with out inspection then plant them in the dessert to make it look like they had been there all this time are train forensic specialist that work for the FBI that  have Sentra Cards.  

Now at first that has a Very strong flavor of delusional thinking, to a naive person who has had their head in the sand. 
Any one who keeps up with the news, have heard all the headlines of many Government agencies "loosing" email or whole computers "crashing" that just so happened saved their ass in investigation about major corruption.  Sex tapes, Child porn, illegal campaign contribution. Do you not think If Bill Gore and his former Employees had a "secret" that would end with them sentenced to death for treason they would not being willing to kill an entire family to "save their ass" If they were about to unintentionally about to expose it?

If you want to cover Chase Merritt Court case YOU MUST learn about the "secret"  to understand the "secret" you must learn about the


San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore use to be the San Diego FBI agent in charge.
He was the one that "dropped the ball" in the 911 terrorist plot. He had an CI who was "putting up" two of the 911 hijackers of 911.  Bill Gore intentionally hide Omar al-Bayoum, Osama Basnan and ME(Shahid Amed Siddiqui's ex American girl friend) In this website I explain the conspiracy and how it leads to the Mcstay family murder that was framed on to Chase. I have sent other video testimony from my son and I directly to Chase. I told him I would volunteer to testify via skype but refuse to leave my county as I am afraid for my life to return to California. i also have sent much proof to "the appropriate"   authorities

I have much much more proof. I can prove all this beyond a reasonable doubt. The "surprise" is BILL KILLED to keep his secret. And what a damn secret

1 comment:

  1. Check out www.grandpaswill.com and see more San Diego corruption
